It has been a long time since my last blog post. Last week my wife, two boys, and I arrived back in Cambridge. We moved into a new place just a block away from our old place, and we are mostly settled in now. Our friends from church graciously volunteered to supervise our movers move our belongings in storage to our new place. So when we arrived all we had to do was unpack!
I don't have too many excuses for not blogging during the internship, but the primary excuse is that I did not know how much of my internship I could share with you all. At a high level my internship was evaluating different inventory strategies to increase the profitability of Nike's seasonal products (like fleece and sandals). Very interesting internship and I look forward to writing up my results as part of my thesis. I feel very blessed to have been at Nike with a great supervisor (thanks Ben!) who is an alumni of MIT (graduate of the SCM program). I also had a great project mentor (thanks Hugo) who went to Stanford for a PhD in Operations. Without Ben and Hugo I would not have been able to finish my project. Overall, I had a great time at Nike! Apart from work, Nike hosts an amazing internship summer class with outings and special talks by Nike senior leadership.Also, playing Ultimate Frisbee once or twice a week was great experience.
Now that I am back in Cambridge, I am slowly transitioning my mind-set back to being in graduate school. I have been receiving a deluge (well more like a few a day) of emails requesting updates and additions to the class I am TA'ing (Pricing). The Professor and course content are held in very high regard so there is high demand for the course (over 50 on the wait-list for the first section alone!). This semester I am taking:
- Industrial Economics: Another course with a long wait-list. Good thing I bid correctly and got in the first try.
- Operations Strategy: Required course for LGOs. Taught by Don and Ton this semester (I think this is the last semester Don Rosenfield will teach).
- Architecting and Engineering Software Systems: One of the courses I need to take for my ESD MS.
- Global Operations Leadership Seminar: LGOs are required to take this course two semesters.
- Pricing: I am the TA for the 10am section!
In addition to class I am an officer in the Sloan Christian Fellowship (SCF) and still a member of the Tech Club (but no longer an officer). I think I'll have to spend a lot of time on my thesis this semester because I don't want to be finishing it during winter break. Also, I have to reserve some time for recruiting this semester. Sounds like a busy semester, but I hope to balance my time so I can stick to my exercise routine. Also, I hope to have some family time as well! Seems like a lot, but hopefully it will work out.